Data Privacy Policy in SE Bordnetze – Slovakia s.r.o.

Thank you for visiting our website. We would like to inform you with our online Data Privacy Policy on our website

The protection of your privacy is of the upmost importance for SE Bordnetze - Slovakia s.r.o (SEBN SK). Therefore, complying with the statutory regulations concerning privacy protection is a matter of course for us. Furthermore, it is very important for us that you know when we save certain data and how we use it.

The following details will provide you with an outline as to what happens to your personal data when you visit our website.  Personal data means all data that could identify you personally. You will find more detailed information to the topic of privacy protection here in the information that we provide to you about our Data Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for Data Processing on our website?

Responsible for data processing on this website is:
SE Bordnetze - Slovakia s.r.o.
Novozámocká 67
949 05 Nitra / Slovak Republic
Phone: +421-37-6569-200

You may contact us at any time with any questions that you might have concerning privacy protection, personal data security and protection on our website or at the address below:
SE Bordnetze - Slovakia s.r.o. - GDPR
Novozámocká 67
949 05 Nitra / Slovak Republic
Telefón: +421-37-6569-200

The representatives at SE Bordnetze - Slovakia s.r.o. company may also be contacted at the above noted address and telephone. If you have any questions or concerns relating to the protection of your personal data, please contact us.

Data Collection on our website

Availability of our website for information purposes.

The use of our website is possible, generally, without providing personal information. Using the website to obtain information – if you do not register yourself and do not submit data using a form – we will only compile data that your browser communicates to us technically.

These are:
# Browser type and browser version
# System software in use
# Referrer URL
# Host name of the accessing computer
# Time of the server inquiry
# IP address

We do not compile this data with other data sources. We reserve the right to verify the accuracy of this information if there is a clear indication of unlawful use. We save this data in our server log files until it is automatically deleted according to the statutory regulations.

Temporarily saving the IP address is important, in order to deliver the website to the computer of the user. The IP address of the user must be saved for the length of the session.  Furthermore the length of time that we save the data is in accordance with the statutory regulations.

The log files are saved in order to guarantee the functional capability of the website. This includes the data to optimize our website and to protect our information technology system. We do not undertake any analysis of the data for marketing purposes in this regard.

Our authorization to process the data can be found in Article 6, Paragraph 1, European Parliament Regulation 2016/679 from 27. April 2016 on person protection in personal data processing and further distribution, under which the Regulation No. 95/46/ES has become invalid. (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).

Processing your data via online form

By completing our electronic contact form on this website you are voluntarily sharing your personal data with us that will be compiled from this form. Processing the data that you have provided in the contact form occurs exclusively based on your consent. Normally this will include:

Your data will be in case of whistleblowing reporting saved for a period of 3 years in our database as it is required by our local legislation, under Law No. 54/2019 on whistleblower protection policy.

We proclaim that your data during all their storage time until their deletion, shall never be related to or combined with data from other sources. In case of whistleblowing incident reporting, these data shall be submitted to national authorities in charge, as determined by the law No. 54/2019. Furthermore, we declare that none of your personal data shall be further processed or stored unless receiving your explicit consent submitting them strictly on voluntary basis. Additionally, we would like to refer you to this Data Privacy Policy. Your data will only be processed internally and only for the purpose that is stated in the contact form. This data shall not be given to a third party without your explicit authorization.

Your rights concerning your data

According to GDPR regulations you have various the following rights vis-à-vis SEBN SK concerning information and personal data protection: